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Company Dynamics

Chairman's speech


Hello everyone! Seeing off the Year of the Rabbit, we welcome the Year of the the Year of the Loong again. The the Year of the Loong has always been regarded as the auspicious year of the Chinese nation. The dragon is the totem of the Chinese nation, and the dragon is the symbol of China.

At the beginning of 2023, we finally sent away the plague of COVID-19, and all walks of life began to recover. However, the world economy is far from overcoming its difficulties due to multiple factors, especially the Israeli Palestinian conflict, which has added new variables to the world economic recovery. Consumption is shrinking, investment is declining, and the world is far from finding a solution to the problem. Moreover, developed Western countries led by the United States are still indulging in a sense of historical superiority and cannot extricate themselves. They impose unjustified sanctions on developing countries, especially China, creating division and further hindering their economies. Due to this drag, the Chinese economy has found it difficult to stand alone. In the second half of the year, the overall economic indicators have been sluggish and have been declining, significantly lower than the expectations at the beginning of the year.

Some people attribute the responsibility for the decline to the internal environment, while others believe it is mainly due to external factors. Anyway, the downward trend of the economy is a consistent feeling, and the reason should be the combination of external and internal factors. Logistics is no exception. If one word is used to describe the logistics equipment market of the past year, it is "roll". Zero profit quotes are commonplace, and negative profit quotes are also common. Listed companies face performance pressure, while unlisted companies face survival pressure. Every enterprise feels too difficult, but they are unwilling to give up easily.

In the face of such a situation, at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of Logistics Technology and Applications magazine held in December, relevant experts proposed multiple prescriptions, such as accelerating innovation, improving delivery capabilities, valuing the after-sales service market, focusing on segmented markets, seeking opportunities to go global, and strengthening talent cultivation. However, it has to be said that all the prescriptions seem to be clich é s with no novelty, but besides these, what else can we do?

Objectively speaking, the logistics market has gone through over 15 years of vigorous development, and the Chinese economy has a 40 year history of rapid development. It is time to make adjustments. There is no market that grows forever in the world, and although a market economy has a certain degree of self-regulation ability and this self repair ability has been repeatedly exaggerated, the inherent cyclical nature of economic development is inevitable. Every major cycle requires humanity to pay a heavy price, even destruction, in order to be reborn from the ashes. This is inseparable from human ignorance, arrogance, greed, and selfishness. Both the trade war between China and the United States and the conflict between Palestine and Israel fully demonstrate this point

But from a longer-term perspective, the pace of human development will not stop. The past year may have been just a brief adjustment in the development of Chinese logistics over a long period of time. We have still achieved impressive results. More innovation is presented to the world, and e-commerce has created one miracle after another, with 120 billion packages enough to surprise the world. The demand for logistics has not fundamentally changed, especially the potential of intelligent logistics is gradually being discovered, its superiority is gradually being recognized, and there is huge room for improvement in more logistics systems. The vast market for future logistics development exceeds everyone's imagination. Perhaps 2023 is just a simple adjustment, and 2024 may usher in a reversal.

Don't just regard survival as a matter of the enterprise itself. In fact, every enterprise should and must establish a sense of responsibility: to survive for the development of the industry, to survive for the interests of customers, and to survive for our past commitments.

The future logistics landscape is obviously very colorful and colorful. AI is no longer just a laboratory technology, but has entered every field of society. Intelligence is no longer a dream, but a real case. Higher efficiency, lower costs, more flexible systems, and more humanized services are the eternal pursuit of logistics.

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