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Wuhan Sunshine Pharmaceutical Logistics Center

Wuhan Sunshine Pharmaceutical Logistics Center is located in Dongxihu District, Wuhan City, and is implemented in two phases. The first phase of the project covers a construction area of 32,000 square meters, consisting of one Class C factory building and one supporting office building. The warehouse is mainly equipped with an AS/RS system, a concealed AGV + goods-to-person piece-picking system, a DPS picking system, a box conveyor system, and a high-speed sorting system, which realize automated storage and retrieval, significantly improving work efficiency.

The concealed AGV + goods-to-person piece-picking system mainly consists of a high-density storage area for shelves, a replenishment workstation, and a picking workstation, which are used to manage the warehouse materials. The AGVs automatically transport goods in and out of the warehouse. Workers only need to complete the corresponding operations at the replenishment and picking workstations to finish the warehouse's in and out operations. This greatly reduces the intensity of the workers' tasks and improves work efficiency.

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